Foot & Ankle Physiotherapy w/ Michelle Bergeron

Season #3

Michelle Bergeron is a Melbourne based physiotherapist with a special focus on foot and ankle rehabilitation. Throughout the episode, we explore Michelle’s journey with physiotherapy including her experience working with the Australian Ballet, in the AFL and Cirque du Soleil. We also discuss her general approach to foot and ankle conditions, some common errors that she sees and how she uses footwear as a tool throughout that process and we also talk through some key tips for successfully navigating the rehab journey.

Really enjoyed this chat with Michelle and excited to learn more from her in the future through The Better Foot Project workshops she is running with Andy Bryant, which we discuss towards the end of the podcast - their first workshop that we talk about was a few weeks ago now however I know they’re planning on holding more in the future so if you’re a professional in the space who is keen to learn more about how to assess and treat the foot / ankle complex, make sure you check out Michelle and Andy on Instagram and stay tuned for announcements!

You can learn more about Michelle on her website here.

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Dream Chaser - Lunareh

Written By - Wiriyapa Chansuwong

Performed & Produced By - Lunareh